NYU Langone Orthopedic Hospital
301 E. 17th Street (Between 2nd and 3rd Ave)
14th Floor
New York, NY 10003
(212) 598 - 6181
Accessible via public transportation:
L train at 3rd Ave
4/5/6 and Q/N/R/W train at 14th Street-Union Square
M15+ select bus at 2nd Ave/ E13th St
M101, M102, M103 buses at 3rd Ave/ E17th St
NYU Ambulatory Care Center
222 E. 41st Street (Between 2nd and 3rd Ave)
15th floor
New York, NY 10017
(929) 455 - 5117
Accessible via public transportation:
4/5/6/7/S at Grand Central Station
M15+ select bus at 2nd Ave/E 42nd St
M101, M102, M103 buses at 3rd Ave/E 39th St
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Are you interested in being a study subject or working with us? Please use the form below to contact us:
Heidi Schambra, MD, Principal Investigator