NYU Langone Health
Department of Neurology
We aim to restore motor function after stroke by driving neuroplasticity
Stroke is a devastating event for most individuals. Motor deficits are common, forcing many to rely on others for help with activities like feeding, grooming, and dressing. Our laboratory studies motor recovery after stroke, with a focus on mechanisms and therapies. We seek knowledge to better treat motor deficits after stroke. We use a range of methods like brain stimulation, neuroimaging, motion capture, dosed training, and artificial intelligence to interrogate neural circuitry and boost motor recovery.
Where we got our name
We drew inspiration from Jules Verne's marvel of a submarine, the Nautilus. Its motto is mobilis in mobili, translating to "moving within the moving element." Such is our focus on movement, arising from the ever-changing brain. So too does our research aim to rapidly advance knowledge within the flowing stream of neuroscience.